18. 1. 2017, 19.00 pm, Petra Lange-Berndt, Universität Hamburg: Jenseitskontakte – On Sigmar Polke’s Intermedia Practice

Venue: Deichtorhallen, Auditorium im Haus der Photographie

All his life the artist Sigmar Polke had been mocking the cult of the genius as advocated by the art world: 1969 for instance he made the painting Höhere Wesen befahlen: rechte obere Ecke schwarz malen! It part part of the ironic attack on the ideals of bourgeois concepts of art to define the role of the artist not as higher being but medium. Starting with the work Jenseitskontakte (1995) this talk will introduce the practice of Polke with an emphasis on ghostly apparitions and the artist’s interest in spirit photography and occultism (in German).

Petra Lange-Berndt ist Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art, Kunstgeschichtiches Seminar, Universität Hamburg 

Admission: 3 Euro (free for students of Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar)

In collaboration with Deichtorhallen, Hamburg